Illinois' Largest Bankruptcy Only Law Firm
Free Consultation No Fee to Start Free Credit Report Zoom Consultations
Tax Returns
Federal and State Tax Returns for the last two (2) years. If you are missing returns, W-2's or schedules tell your legal assistant and they will help you obtain them.
Pay Stubs
When your petition is filed you will need the last six months of pay stubs.
Bank Statements
Bring in your bank statement for the last 90 days.
Retirement Accounts
Print off the one page summary of your retirement plan showing how much is in the plan.
Garnishments, Wage Deductions, Lawsuits or Court Summons
If you have them, bring them. If not, tell your legal assistant and he or she can tell you how to get them.
Documents We Will Get For You Or Help You Get
Real Estate Tax Bills
This helps to show your home’s value. Our legal assistants can usually get these for you online.
Business Or Other Income
We will help you prepare your small business profit and loss statements for the Trustee.
Child Support Questionaire
You are required to fill out a child support questionaire. You will need the basic information. The amount and who you pay, how much you pay and where you pay.
Life Insurance Information
Tell us if you have life insurance. Is it employer provided or is insurance you purchased? If you have the front sheet or a summary sheet, bring it to us, otherwise we will help you find the type of insurance you purchased.
Your Credit Counseling Certificate
For a list of approved courses you may contact our office.This course usually is a $10 charge. We will need this Credit Counseling Certificate just before you file. Do not obtain it too early. They expire!
Copies of your Credit Reports
FREE! Look on the back of your Debt Sheet and it will tell you how to obtain your credit report by internet, mail or phone.